SHMS Document Library
Document Library
1. Coal Quality
2. Tenure & Cadastral Boundaries
3. MDL
4. Native Title
5. Drilling
3. Graphic Logs
1. Graphic Logs (Working Series)
1. Graphic Logs (Working Series)
3. Graphic Logs
Phase 2 MLA
1. Coal Quality
1.01 - Policies (POL)
1.02 - Principal Hazard Management Plans (PHMP)
1.03 - Management Plans (PLN)
1.04 - Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
1.05 - Mine Operating Procedures (MOP)
1.06 - Safe Work Procedures (SWP)
1.07 - Trigger Action Response Plans (TARPS)
1.09 - Authorizations (ATN)
1.10 - Appointments (APP)
4.01 - Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
6.01 - Miscellaneous
1.08 - Forms (FRM)
02- Risk Management
03 - Leadership and Accountability
05 - Incident Management
06 - Consultation and Communication
07 - Training and Competency
08 - Health and injury Management
09 - Contractor Management
10 - Plant and Machinery
11 - Monitoring and Review
16 - Drill and Blast
17 - Admin
19 - Permits
20 - Technical Services
02- Risk Management
3.01 - Mining Legislation , Standards and Guidelines
Alerts, Bulletins, Notices and Periodicals
Mines Inspectorate
Mining Legislation, Standards and Guidelines
Recognised Standards, Guidelines and Guidance Notes
Resources Safety and Health Queensland
Alerts, Bulletins, Notices and Periodicals
1.11 - Training and assessment (VOC & AST)
AST - Assessments
VOC - Verification of Competency
AST - Assessments
2.01 - Mine Record
Mine Record Entries
Certificates of Competencies
Certificates of Competencies
Risk Assessments
Mine Record Entries
1.01 - Policies (POL)